Friday, September 13, 2019

The Duties and Responsibilities of a PFC in the US Army Essay

The Duties and Responsibilities of a PFC in the US Army - Essay Example As a threat and analysis data gatherer there is the added pressure of insuring vital information is passed to the helicopter pilots whom have the responsibility of insuring those soldiers entrusted into their care arrive safely to the allotted destination. In the insurgent ridden, volatile, desert terrain of Afghanistan this is often a challenge that will call for the use of all the training one has received, thus far, plus some. As an Intel analysis PFC solider that is currently employed in Afghanistan it is my duty to pass along information that can ultimately inform helicopter pilots about the threats they may face while flying, through the support and operation of the ground units. I will also report on the threat and terrain analysis techniques that are best employed to spot insurgents and unsafe zones. After looking at what these two jobs entail, as well as the other duties I am often given from superiors, one will have a better understanding of the duties of a PFC in the U.S. Army. There are numerous threats the helicopter pilots face while flying the Afghani terrain. One important source of help they can rely on while on mission is the ground team support. This is where my duties become vital. After several missions many pilots become immune to the sound of artillery, it can be heard so often, and in many cases it will not be directed at them. However, the ground crew’s responsibility is to watch where the shots are coming from and at whom they are directed. We then pass on any vital information we have gathered to the TOC who then report it on to the pilots. Lt. Joe Harosky, second platoon commander, was in one such situation while flying a mission in Afghanistan. He reported: â€Å"We had initially thought it wasnt directed at us or a company. So I just kept walking in a normal speed, thinking hey, the firing is on the other side of a mountaintop or ridge. After a few minutes — maybe not — maybe after a minute, five different bursts and I

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