Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analytical Methods in Economics and Finance Assignment

Analytical Methods in Economics and Finance - Assignment Example this basis establishes similarity in life satisfaction among males and females. Consistency in other values such as standard deviation that was 1.67 for males and 1.71 for females, skewdness that was -1.31 for males and -1.27 for females, and range, minimum, and maximum values that were all similar for males and females supports the position that life satisfaction for both males and females assume the same trend. The following table summarizes descriptive statistics for life satisfaction based on gender (Weiers 2011, p. 58- 66). People with in income category 6 offered a higher mean life satisfaction score, 7.84, as compared to people in income category 1 whose mean score was 7.79. The mean and the mode for the two categories was however at score eight to suggest similarity in distribution. With a standard deviation of 1.59 for category 1 and 1.53 for category 2, together with difference in minimum satisfaction value, 0 for category 1 and 3 for category 3, the mean appears the best estimator to suggest that people in income category 6 have higher life satisfaction score than people in category 1 (Healey 2009, p. 85- 125). The high significance value of F, 0.79, relative to the test level of significance of 0.05, means that the null hypothesis is not rejected. This means that no significant relationship exists between life satisfaction, gender, and males and females are equivalently satisfied. The computed value is however higher and this means that the null hypothesis is not rejected. The regression coefficient is therefore zero and this shows that life satisfaction does not depend on gender and confirms the observation that the distribution of life satisfaction score, by gender is the same. The p-value is however greater and the null hypothesis is not rejected. This means that there is no significant relationship between money (income

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Disease Causation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disease Causation - Essay Example The causes of the condition involves persons who smoke, people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol body levels and those suffering from diabetes. Risk factors for developing the condition depend on the individual’s age, medical condition, gender and their lifestyle choices. Most individuals especially men just like Steve are prone to acquiring the condition past the age of 50 years (Lockhart et al., 2012). Other risk factors for acquiring the condition includes diabetes, cigarette smoking, overweight and obese individuals, hypertension, high blood cholesterol levels and persons who have a history of a heart disease in the family. In regards to the information, Steve is at a great risk of acquiring the condition. Since he is overweight and lives a sedimentary life lacking any physical exercise. He is a smoker, he is also at a risk of acquiring diabetes, hypertension or a heart disease since there is a history of these chronic illnesses that are genetic (Fowkes et al., 20 13). Moreover, his blood pressure is high as it is above the normal range. Fowkes, F. G. R., Rudan, D., Rudan, I., Aboyans, V., Denenberg, J. O., McDermott, M. M., ... & Criqui, M. H. (2013). Comparison of global estimates of prevalence and risk factors for peripheral artery disease in 2000 and 2010: a systematic review and analysis.  The Lancet,  382(9901), 1329-1340. Jauch, E. C., Saver, J. L., Adams Jr, H. P., Bruno, A., Connors, J. J., Demaerschalk, B. M., ... & Yonas, H. (2013). on behalf of the American Heart Association Stroke Council, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Council on Clinical Cardiology. Guidelines for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke: a guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.  Stroke,  44(3), 870-947. Lockhart, P. B., Bolger, A. F., Papapanou, P. N., Osinbowale, O., Trevisan, M., Levison, M. E., ... & Baddour, L. M.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

French Essays Affaire Dreyfus

French Essays Affaire Dreyfus Discuter là ©volutiondes intellectuels francais depuis laffaire Dreyfus Pendantplus quun sià ¨cle, la prà ©sence des intellectuels en France est sans doute trà ¨simportante. Ils ont un rà ´le influent dans la socià ©tà © franaise et les nomscomme Zola, Sartre, Là ©vy et Debray sont connus partout dans le monde. Biensà »r, les intellectuels ne se trouvent pas seulement en France, mais il estprobablement l, avec ses grandes à ©coles et la culture de discussionintellectuelle dans les cafà ©s, oà ¹ on trouvera ceux qui ont le plus de respectet le plus dinfluence. La position de lintellectuel franais au sein de lasocià ©tà © franaise est significative. La France est fià ¨re de ceux qui donnentune voix au peuple dans un pays avec une histoire parfois anarchiste. Laprà ©sence des intellectuels tout moment important pendant le dernier sià ¨cle,ainsi que leurs contributions aux discussions politiques et sociales montrecombien lopinion des intellectuels est importante. Cependant,on verra que la position de lintellegensia a beaucoup changà © au cours dusià ¨cle. À laube dun nouveau millenium, il est aujourdhui que lesintellectuels franais se trouvent dans une situation inconnue. Est-ce quilssont destinà ©s de devenir perdu dans un monde dominà © par les nouvellestechnologies, oà ¹ est-ce que leurs dà ©clarations portent la mà ªme signification aujourdhuiquil y a cent ans? Laffaire Dreyfus et la naissance de lintellectuel Onpeut datà © exactement le moment oà ¹ le terme intellectuel est entrà © danslhistoire. Le13 janvier 1898, Georges Clemanceau, rà ©dacteur du journal radical LAurorepublie une lettre adressà ©e au Prà ©sident du Troisià ¨me Republique. La lettresappelle Jaccuse, et il sagit dun capitaine juif danslarmà ©e franaise, Alfred Dreyfus. En 1895, celui-ci est condamnà © peine devie pour la trahison et lespionnage. En fait, Dreyfus nà ©tait pas coupable,mais vu que lantisà ©mitisme fut trà ¨s populaire cette à ©poque-l, Dreyfus estsoumis une injustice extrà ªme. Là ©glise, là ©tat, et les mà ©dias lecondamnent, mais en effet, il à ©tait une victime des sentiments anti-sà ©mitiques. Aprà ¨ssa dà ©portation là ®le du Diable en 1895, la famille de Dreyfus essaie de lelibà ©rà ©, mais sans succà ¨s. Finalement, son pà ¨re à ©crit au à ©crivain, Emile Zola.Celui-ci devient donc le dà ©fenseur de Dreyfus, cest une personne cà ©là ¨bre etrespectà ©e avec une voix forte dans un climat anti-sà ©mitique. Zola accuse uneautre personne, Walsin Esterhazy, et il accuse le militaire et là ©tat duneconspiration contre Dreyfus. Pendant les semaines suivantes, la campagne deZola attire les autres personnages respectà ©s qui incluent les intellectuels etles à ©crivains comme Marcel Proust et Andrà © Gide. à ©videment, sur lautrecà ´te, il existe aussi les adversaires de Zola, ceux qui croyaient que là ©tatet là ©glise à ©taient suprà ªmes, et que de les remettre en cause à ©taient latrahison elle-mà ªme. En 1899 Zola est condamnà © aussi, et il sest mis en exileen Angleterre. Laffaireest donc divisà © en deux divisions opposantes, les Dreyfusards, Zola, Proust,Anatole France et Eduard Drumont (rà ©dacteur du journal la LibreParole) qui soutiennent Alfred Dreyfus, et qui luttent sans cessepour sa libà ©ration. Les antidreyfusards prennent la position adversaire, etils incluent Alphonse et Là ©on Daudet, Barrà ©s, Copà ©e, et Bourget. Aprà ¨s six ansde lutte, Alfred Dreyfus est libà ©rà ©, la victoire pour les Dreyfusards nestpas seulement une victoire pour Dreyfus, mais aussi pour tous les gens quiavaient à ©tà © maltraità ©s par là ©tat, mais qui auparavant navait aucun moyen dese dà ©fendre. Ilest à ©vident que les actions des Dreyfusards et la lutte menà ©e, et gagnà ©e contrelà ©tat ouvrent la porte aux intellectuels franais. Cependant, on verra quece chapitre nest quun dà ©but, et que le rà ´le des intellectuels à ©volue au coursdu sià ¨cle. La dà ©finition dun intellectuel Aprà ¨slaffaire Dreyfus, peut-à ªtre croit-on quil est facile de comprendre le rà ´ledes intellectuels dans la socià ©tà © franaise. On peut les dà ©crire comme lesdà ©fendeurs des droits de lhomme, les champions de la và ©rità ©, mais cesdescriptions sont probablement trop simplistes. Un intellectuel nest passeulement quelquun avec une bonne à ©ducation, sinon on pourrait dire que tousles à ©crivains, les journalistes, les universitaires sont les intellectuels,ceci nest pas le cas. Dà ªtre un intellectuel du mà ªme genre de Zola, il fautquelque chose de plus. Il faut quun intellectuel utilise son nom et sonprestige pour sengager dans une actività © au dehors de son domainedexpertise. Lintellectuelsera un homme du culturel; crà ©ature ou mà ©diateur, mis en situationdhomme du politique, producteur ou consommateur didà ©ologie. Ni un simplecatà ©gorie socioprofessionnelle, ni un simple personnage irrà ©ductible. Ilsagira dun statut, comme dans la dà ©finition sociologique, mains transcendà ©par une volontà © individuelle, comme dans la dà ©finition à ©thique, et tournà © versun usage collectif   Grà ¢ce leur intelligence et leur à ©ducation supà ©rieure, les intellectuels commandentdu respect et leurs opinions sont estimà ©es, souvent plus que celles des hommesde politique. Bien quil soit probablement naÃÆ' ¯f, il est vrai de dire que lesgens sont mà ©fiants de ceux-ci, pendant que les intellectuels sont considà ©rà ©scomme impartiaux. Au cours du sià ¨cle Ilparait que laffaire Dreyfus marque la vraie naissance du mouvementintellectuel en France, mà ªme si Zola nest pas vraiment le premierintellectuel individuel. Victor Hugo est son inspiration et là ©crivain Jacquesle Goff a à ©crit un livre au sujet des intellectuels en France mà ©dià ©velle.Toutefois, laffaire Dreyfus remonte le profil de lintellectuel, et il estun profil qui est paru de plus en plus pendant le vingtià ¨me sià ¨cle. Dansles annà ©es suivantes, les intellectuels franais interviennent souvent dansles discussions. Pendant la premià ¨re guerre mondiale, les intellectuelspacifistes comme Henri Barbusse et Romain Rolland essayent douvrir les yeuxdes franais aux atroces commis pendant la guerre. Barbusse, dans son livre  Le feu, journal dune escouade   raconte sesexpà ©riences du feu des tranchà ©es, et il y exprime ses aspirations pacifistes. Enplein conflit mondial, il apparaà ®t un mouvement surrà ©aliste. Autour du poà ¨teromain, Tristan Tzara, le cosmopolitisme du groupe est dà ©j une provocation.La date de naissance officielle du mouvement surrà ©aliste est en 1924 et pendantles annà ©es vingt ce groupe de jeunes artistes essaie de   bouleverser lavie   et   libà ©rer lesprit  . Ils soutiennent la lutte contreloccupation des colonies. Le surrà ©aliste Louis Aragon annonce son oppositionet quitte le mouvement, disant que lart devrait reprà ©senter la socià ©tà © commeelle à ©tait, il voulait dire que le mouvement surrà ©aliste devrait à ªtre partisanet dà ©fendeur du parti communiste (PCF). Le communisme et le fascisme Pendantles annà ©es trente, face la menace du fascisme, un groupe dintellectuelsfranais sunissent. Ils participent dans les comità ©s et les confà ©rences etsignent les pà ©titions contre le fascisme. Pendant loccupation nazie de laFrance, ce groupe dintellectuels travaillent en secret sur le nom du  Comità © national des à ©crivains   pour rà ©sister au   NouvelOrdre  , soutenu par les intellectuels opposà ©s, comme Pierre Drieu LaRochelle et Louis-Ferdinand Cà ©line. Lexpà ©riencede la Rà ©sistance pendant la guerre souligne exactement le rà ´le desintellectuels, mais la distinction entre les opinions universelles et lapolitique commence devenir confusà ©e. Le philosophe Julien Benda se plaignede la trahison des intellectuels qui donnent leur soutien en faveur desidà ©ologies politiques au lieu des idà ©ologies universelles. À cette à ©poque-l,lun des intellectuels le plus cà ©là ¨bres fait sa marque sur lhistoirefranaise. Jean-Paul Sartre souligne le rà ´le et la responsabilità © delintellectuel franais. Dans son ouvrage,   Quest-ce que lalittà ©rature  ? (1948)  , Sartre encourage lintellectuel franaisdagir selon la situation dans laquelle il se trouve. Sartre lui-mà ªme montreson engagement en à ©crivant des pà ©titions et des lettres sur plusieurs problà ¨mes,en particulier en ce qui concerne la guerre en Algà ©rie oà ¹ il mà ¨ne une campagnecontre la guerre elle-mà ªme, et, en particulier la torture. Mà ªmesi lon pense de lintellectuel comme dà ©fendeur des idà ©ologies universelles,les intellectuels sont toujours sur une grande pression dappartenir un partipolitique. Il est cette pression qui endommage la rà ©putation du mouvementintellectuel pendant les annà ©es suivantes. Sartre nappartient pas un partipolitique, il cherche trouver un compromis entre le capitalisme occidental etle politique de Stalin. Mà ªme sil ny appartient pas officiellement, Sartresoutient le PCF. Dautres intellectuels ne sont pas aussi timides avec leursaffiliations politiques, Aragon, à ©luard et Guillevic soutiennent ouvertement lePCF et Stalin. Les intellectuels communistes se collaborent avec lennemipendant loccupation nazie, et cette collaboration sape de plus la rà ©putationimpartiele des intellectuels. Raymon Aron est un intellectuel qui na pas la fascinationavec le marxisme en commun avec ses pairs, mais il est une figure solitairedans un pays oà ¹ le communisme est populaire. Il nest pas daccord avec unegrande majorità © des intellectuels et sa dissertation,   LOpium desintellectuels   (1955) oppose aux idà ©ologies communistes. Il estaprà ¨s linvasion de la Hongrie par la Russie que Sartre et les autresintellectuels retirent leur soutien du PCF, mais ils se tournent vers lesnouveaux rà ©gimes en Chine et au Cuba. Che Guevara est devenu une figureimportante pour les intellectuels. Les annà ©es 60-70 Lesà ©và ©nements de mai 1968 sont vus comme un succà ¨s pour les intellectuels. Il esteux, et non pas les ouvriers, qui provoquent les troubles. Mais on doit aussinoter que bien que cette à ©poque soit considà ©rà ©e comme un succà ¨s, lesà ©và ©nements soulignent aussi une division profonde entre les ouvriers et lesintellectuels. Pendantles annà ©es 70, les intellectuels interviennent dans plusieurs domaines, enparticulier les problà ¨mes concernant les paysans, les prisonniers, et lesouvriers immigrà ©s. Comme dans les annà ©es prà ©cà ©dentes, les intellectuelsessaient de donner une voix aux groupes pià ©tinà ©s mais il semble que plusieursde ces interventions naient pas beaucoup de succà ¨s. Il y a quelquesexceptions quand mà ªme, en 1971, le journal le Nouvel observateur publieun manifeste important. Simone de Beauvoir est parmi 343 femmes qui dà ©clarentde se faire avorter  ; ce manifeste mà ¨ne un changement là ©gislatif, lesfemmes obtiennent le droit de choisir. Letravail de Simone de Beauvoir, et dautres intellectuels ce moment-l marqueun changement subtil, mais important dans le rà ´le de lintellectuel franais.Auparavant, lintellectuel a luttà © pour la justice quelque soit le domaineaffectà ©, mais de plus en plus,le   nouveau intellectuel   ne seprononce sur les discussions dans son domaine de spà ©cialisme. Il parait que cegenre dintellectuel ne veut pas entrer dans les discussions au dehors de sondomaine de compà ©tence. Ladà ©sillusion des annà ©es 70 est soulignà ©e aussi par la publication de   TheGoulag Archipelago   par Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Cette publicationternisse limage de la Russie sous le rà ©gime de Stalin, et avec les preuves dugà ©nocide au Cambodge, les intellectuels deviennent anti-marxiste. Lesidà ©ologies des partisans communistes, et donc les intellectuels qui leur ontsoutenu sont mis en question pour la premià ¨re fois. Les jeunes intellectuelscomme Bernard-Henri Là ©vy et Andrà © Glucksmann, qui ont à ©tà © partisans du PCF,lient le communisme avec le fascisme, et retirent leur soutien. En juin 1979,Sartre demande au Prà ©sident daider le peuple vietnamien, ce qui montre queSartre est devenu aussi anti-communiste. PierreBourdieu est un autre adversaire du travail des intellectuels. Il dà ©critlintellectuel dans ses ouvrages,   La distinction, Homo academicus etLes Rà ¨gles de lart  , plutà ´t comme un genre dhomme de politique,au lieu dun hà ©ro du peuple. La position de lintellectuel aujourdhui Vuque la critique contre les intellectuels ne cesse pas augmenter, on sedemande alors si lintellectuel franais est une espà ¨ce en voie dedisparition. Peut-etre faut-il rà ©definir la description de lintellectuel.Winnock à ©crit  :   Les intellectuels ont aussi un rà ´le organique exercer, etreles ouvriers de cette dà ©mocratie impossible, rà ©gime de libertà © limità ©e,dà ©galità © approximative et de fraternità © intermittente (..)Plus large, plus profond, plus durable que les cris despamphlà ©taires et les manifestes des pà ©titionnaires, cest le travail quotidiendes intellectuels anonymes comme à ©ducateurs notamment qui me parait devoirà ªtre reconnu comme le và ©ritable contre-pouvoir, la fois critique etorganique, au sein de la socià ©tà © dà ©mocratique  . Dansson ouvrage, Le Dictionnaire des Intellectuels Winnock parle plutà ´t desà ©và ©nements au lieu des intellectuels individuels, il parait alors quelintellectuel lui-mà ªme, nexiste plus. Les mortes des personnagesimportantes pendant les annà ©es 90, comme Marguerite Duras, Franois Furet etGilles Deleuze soutiennent cette idà ©e, mais il est peut-à ªtre un peu simpliste.En à ©crivant un tel ouvrage, Winnock illustre le fait que les franais restenttoujours fascinà ©s par les intellectuels impressifs. En fait, pendant lesannà ©es 80, plus de 30 livres sont publià ©s au sujet des intellectuels, etdepuis 1990, plus de 80 livres en plus ont à ©tà © à ©crits. Il semble que lesfranais ne sont pas encore prà ªts oublier les intellectuels respectà ©s. Malgrà ©les observations de Winnock et le silence des intellectuels pendant les annà ©es 80,il est à ©vident quaux annà ©es 90, les intellectuels recommencent trouver leur voix.Les discussions politiques concernant les guerres en Bosnie, en Croatie, eten Iraq provoquent les interventions intellectuelles. En 1995, Juppà © proposeun plan de rà ©forme qui provoque les grà ¨ves et les manifestations. Lesintellectuels jouent un rà ´le important en critiquant ces rà ©formes, ils sontdivisà ©s en deux partis, ceux qui soutiennent les rà ©formes, et ceux quià ©crivent des pà ©titions contre celles-ci. Cette   guerre depà ©titions   souligne aussi la diffà ©rence entre les intellectuels universels,et ceux qui ont plus de spà ©cialisme dans le domaine de laide sociale. Pendantces discussions, lintellectuel franais parait comme un citoyen parmi tout lemonde au lieu dun guide suprà ªme. Ily a une autre intervention quil faut mentionner. En 1999, Debray va Kosovopendant le conflit. À son retour, Le Monde publie une   lettredun voyageur au Prà ©sident de la Rà ©publique  , dans laquelle Debrayattaque lOTAN. Les parallà ¨les entre cette lettre et le soutien donnà © au PCFet les idà ©ologies fascistes dans les annà ©es passà ©es sont à ©videntes. Ceci nedonne pas une bonne impression des intellectuels laube dun nouveaumillenium. Les mà ©dias Lesnouveaux mà ©dias jouent un rà ´le important dans là ©volution des intellectuels.On peut les voir comme une avance bienvenue pour intellectuel, ils leurdonnent loccasion de communiquer ses idà ©es plus efficacement, mais lesnouveaux mà ©dias sont aussi considà ©rà ©s comme une menace. Rà ©gis Debray est unintellectuel qui les critique. Selon lui  : Là ¨rede lintelligentsia sera celle de la plus grande inintelligence. En effet, ily a un rapport inverse entre la valeur informative dun message et sacommunicabilità ©Ã‚   Ilsemble que lavance des nouveaux mà ©dias mine limportance et le prestige desintellectuels. Ceci parait contradictoire lidà ©e originale delintellectuel. Les mà ©dias donnent aux intellectuels loccasion datteindre unplus grand public. En effet, il est grà ¢ce la presse à ©crite que lesDreyfusards ont eu du succà ¨s il y a cent ans mais cependant, maintenant on estplus mà ©fiant de la presse et les mà ©dias. Il est à ©vident quaujourdhui laplupart des à ©là ¨ves vont luniversità ©, le niveau dà ©ducation est plus haut etcomme rà ©sultat, les gens questionnent les opinions des intellectuels au lieu deles acceptà ©es sans questions. Conclusion Onne peut pas discuter que le rà ´le de lintellectuel franais a à ©voluà © beaucoupau cours du sià ¨cle. Laffaire Dreyfus et les à ©và ©nements de mai 1968 peuvent à ªtrevu comme les points culminants pendant le sià ¨cle, mais il est aussiincontestable que les intellectuels franais ont jouà © un rà ´le important dans laplupart des discussions controversà ©es. Bien quils soient toujours lià ©s auxpartis politiques, lintellectuel est vu comme quelquun qui peut, avec sonnom et son prestige, lutter pour la justice surtout oà ¹ il faut une voiximpartial et forte. Larà ©putation de lintellectuel à ©tait bouleversà ©e pendant les annà ©es 50, lesoutien du PCF à ©tait un erreur grave, mais le fait quils ont retirà © leursoutien montre que les idà ©ologies changent et les intellectuels ont le droit dechanger leur avis. Aujourdhui on voit que les intellectuels ne sont pasaussi vite daffirmer leurs affiliations politiques, pendant les à ©lections en2002 les intellectuels à ©taient notamment silencieux. Onvoit aussi que la description dun intellectuel a changà © aussi. Il y a probablementdeux types, ceux que lon appelle   universelle  , et ceux quiprà ©fà ¨re travailler dans un domaine plus spà ©cifique. Le fait que son rà ´lecontinue de change ne veut pas dire que la fin est arrivà ©e pour lesintellectuels, tout ce quil veut dire est que les intellectuels doiventà ©voluer aussi pour rester en contact avec le peuple. Lesmà ©dias jouent aussi un rà ´le important et avec lavance des nouvellestechnologies, comme linternet par exemple, il faut attendre encore quelquesannà ©es avant de voir ce que limpact sera. Nà ©anmoins il est à ©vident que lapresse et les mà ©dias ont toujours un rà ´le important. Dansle futur, il est peut-à ªtre vrai que lon va parler de la  personnalità ©Ã‚   au lieu de   lintellectuel  , mais pourle moment, la fascination des franais et lestime quils ont pour lesintellectuels, assurent que les intellectuels ont toujours une place dans lasocià ©tà © franaise. Bibliographie Lesintellectuels en France de lAffaire Dreyfus nos jours, Pascal Ory etJean-Franois Sirelli, Paris, A. Colin, 1986 Lesià ¨cle des intellectuels, Michel Winock, Paris, Seuil, 1997. Lediable en tà ªte, Bernand-Henri Là ©vy, Paris, B.Grasset, 1984. ContemporaryFrench Cultures and Societies, Frà ©dà ©ric Royall, Peter Lang, 2004. Francetakes its intellectuals to heart, Louis Oppenheim, The Chronicle Review,edition 7 September 2001.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Othello and Iago ? Two of a kind? Essay -- essays research papers

When reading Shakespeare's â€Å"Othello the Moor of Venice†, the two main hero's seem to be very different, both in character and actions. Othello seems to be an honest man who believes other people. He is respected by society for his nobility and bravery. Iago is a villain, plotting around not only against Othello. Othello demotes him to a lower status, and despite beeing a trained soldier, Iago is quite a coward when it comes to confronting an enemy with a sword. Although these two figures seem so different, they are [much more] alike, in more than one way. They both share the army way of life, and they tend to curse and use harsh language when upset. They both betray the people they are close to. Othello and Iago are suspicious towards their wives, threaten them and eventually murder the innocent women.[In this essay we will see that] [D]despite their differences, Othello and Iago are two soul mates, that one way or another let their inner darkness out [and][TO] rule their actions. One way in which these two characters differ is in their character. From the beginning of the play, Othello lets Iago get close to him despite the fact that Iago is expected to be jealous of Cassio. This trust develops throughout the play. "O, thou art wise; 'tis certain" (IV, i, 72), Othello says to the villain, completely blinded by his lies. Iago, as can be seen from act one, made up his mind to ruin Othello. "I follow him to serve my turn upon him" (I, i, 42), he tells Roderigo, as he describes the plot against Othello. Another difference is in the way they are viewed by others.Othello is so respected for his services[,] that he doesn't fear any complaints from Barbantio. [HE PROUDLY STATES,] "My services which I have done the signiory Shall out-tongue his complaints" (I, ii, 19). When the senate needs someone to do the job, they ask for Othello "DUKE: Valiant Othello, we must straight employ you Against the general enemy Ottoman" (I, iii, 48). Iago was demoted by Othello, who chose Cassio to be his officer instead of him. Iago is of lower class, and his wife is a servant of Desdemona. The final major difference between their characters is bravery. Othello, on one hand, is brave. He is c... ...h, thou liest!† (V, ii, 233). Iago then stabs Emilia, and runs out. These two characters consistently degrade their wives, threaten them, and eventually murder them. As Shakespeare shows us, Othello and Iago are different in some ways.Othello, in the beginning, is a respected and brave fellow, who is naà ¯ve enough to fall for the scheme of a coward and an upset villain. However, as the plot evolves, the audience discovers the real Othello. Not only is he a rough army man like Iago, but he uses the same language, and doesn't hesitate to betray a fellow officer and plot to kill him, as Iago does to his friend. The audience can further see that Othello's attitude towards Desdemona turns out to be suspicious and degrading, just like his villain companion's attitude towards Emilia. Othello's dark personality gives only one conclusion, to what he thinks to be the infidelity of his wife: Murder. As a second half, Iago inevitably murders his wife too.Are they two of a kind? Although Shakespeare separates them to a hero and a villain, the audience can clearly see two characters[,] whose actions, personality, and state of mind, lead them to the same outcome.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Effects of Multi-Disciplinary Approaches There are various ways to approach and solve problems. Such approaches include multi-disciplinary perspectives and strictly disciplinary perspectives. To effectively solve a problem a person should gather an array of information from a series of different sources. When a person takes this approach towards a certain problem or situation, they are taking a multi-disciplinary approach. As defined in the Webster’s American Dictionary: College Edition, multidisciplinary is the â€Å"combining of several specialized branches of learning or fields of expertise† (Multidisciplinary 526).However, if one choses to â€Å"relate to a specific field of study† versus a variety of fields, they are taking a strictly disciplinary approach when resolving a certain situation or issue (Disciplinary 228). There are advantages and disadvantages to both a multidisciplinary approach and a disciplinary approach however one may find a multidisciplin ary approach to be more efficient. Advantages to a multi-disciplinary approach include being able to apply different aspects to a certain situation as well as weighing the pros and cons.When a person has a decision to make, they have a solution that they think is best for that decision. If multiple people add their insights to help make the decision, a better solution is made. By adding different aspects to a certain problem or issue, a better solution is resulted. Also, through a multi-disciplinary approach, a person is able to obtain ideas that have worked for people in the past and ideas that have not been successful to evaluate the best solution to a problem.A disadvantage to multi-disciplinary approaches is that with more aspects presented, it could take more time to reach a conclusion due to some people disagreeing with others. Nonetheless, a solution is usually eventually reached where most parties are satisfied. With certain societal problems, multi-disciplinary approaches o ften lead to better solutions. When there is a problem in society, society has to come up with a solution that will benefit everybody, not just a select few.If society used a strictly disciplinary approach to these problems, not everyone would be satisfied leading to other problems within society. By taking a multi-disciplinary approach to these societal problems, society has the chance to cater and please a greater amount of people. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach can lead to better solutions with a greater amount of people pleased but society cannot please everyone. Although a multi-disciplinary approach to societal problems is not the ultimate solution, it still has a better effect than a strictly disciplinary approach.When a person takes a multi-disciplinary approach, they are getting feedback and information from a variety of different sources. If many different aspects are presented in a situation, it allows someone to gather information and then decide what points they w ill use in their situation. For example when deciding what was important to make New Orleans an excellent city, our First Year Experience class researched different fields of study and components of a city to answer the question of what was necessary for New Orleans to strive.By taking parts of all the different fields of study including the arts, government, education and sports, and applying them to New Orleans, an excellent city with variation could be made. However, if New Orleans only focused on one field of study, the city would not have any variation. Although multi-disciplinary approaches usually result in better solutions than strictly disciplinary approaches, difficulties still arise with multi-disciplinary approaches. For example with more than one source being contributed to a situation, little problems could arise with not everyone agreeing with a conclusion.Also, when making a multi-disciplinary decision, one has to decide what aspects to use from others, making it lon ger to obtain a solution. Not all aspects presented in a multi-disciplinary approach are applicable to the solution that is being made as well. In a disciplinary approach, a person can make a decision quickly and easily but they lack the insight from others. For instance if a doctor needed help making a decision about what medicine to prescribe for their patient, he would not consult someone who is not educated to do so, but instead make the decision on his own because he is trained to.In this situation, a disciplinary approach may be the better option. Overall the advantages of a multi-disciplinary approach outweigh the disadvantages. Being able to obtain outside sources to solve a problem presents more information to make a better and more adequate solution to problems. A strictly disciplinary approach is still a good approach to certain issues but it does not always provide the best answer to the issue.Even though there are obstacles when making a multi-disciplinary decision such as time and not all parties agreeing, a solution is eventually made to benefit all parties and to resolve a problem. Without multi-disciplinary approaches in society and everyday life, we would not be able to get outside information to make better life choices and decisions.Works Cited â€Å"Disciplinary. † Def. Webster’s American Dictionary. College Edition. 1997. Print. â€Å"Multidisciplinary. † Def. Webster’s American Dictionary. College Edition. 1997. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gender in West Africa

In the West African community, the concept of power among women lies within the vibrant differences between the roles of each gender. Women were and still are the foundation of the African community as they exercise the power to protect life and educate children. Despite this prominent position, they are not in any way seen as equal to men.This conventional perception changed temporarily, or perhaps was slightly regarded differently, when in 19th Century, Behanzin, one of the most renowned kings of Dahomey, a country now known as Benin, used his army of women to fight the French army because of the invasion of the French settlers in the Dahomey territory, which brought resistance. These women, called â€Å"Amazons,† fought with exceptional courage and were often considered invincible by their opponents.With the use of Amazons in the kingdom of Benin, a significant alteration in the gender roles occurred in the African community. This alteration, giving female soldier’s roles almost exclusively reserved for males, reflects what Butler and Kimmel discuss in their books—gender as social construct and performativity. It could be conceded that gender lines were crossed with this new position of women, but a closer look at the situation will prove the opposite to be.At first glance the physical and mental transformations of Amazons into men would make it seem that the women were able to achieve power that had been formerly reserved for men; however, on closer inspection, there is significant evidence that many features of the traditional gender norms were unchanged in the long-run, despite appearances to the contrary.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Group Communications Essay Essay Example

Group Communications Essay Essay Example Group Communications Essay Essay Group Communications Essay Essay Three pictures of different group and squad interaction will be reviewed for this paper. After they have been viewed they will be discussed on affairs of the relationship between group members. member diverseness and communicating manner. The first instance survey to be reviewed is: Helping Annie. In this picture a school nurse has called a meeting with a head-shrinker and a societal worker to discourse the instance of a High school pupil. Annie. who perchance suffers from depression and an eating upset. Right off the chiropteran the school nurse is interrupted by the head-shrinker before she can complete giving the background information on Annie. He wants facts instantly non â€Å"impressions. † He makes a speedy determination as to her job and her intervention within proceedingss of their meeting and seems to believe that they are done. no more demands to be said. : The Social worker does non hold with his determination and offers a counter solution but is once more interrupted by the head-shrinker. The head-shrinker wants to utilize medicine and the Social workers wants to first talk to Annie and see if they can understand what the adolescent is traveling through. The head-shrinker sees this as a entire waste of clip. There does non look to be any existent facilitator of these meeting. and no one points out the psychiatrist’s changeless breaks of the societal worker but the societal worker herself. The school nurse is wholly intimidated into silence by both of their behaviours. The psychologist seems to hold the communicating traits of what the trial calls minds. and the Social worker has the traits of a antenna. Harmonizing to the text. Thinks are task-oriented. They take pride in their ability to believe objectively and logically. regardless of if those ideas are right. ( Reeve. 2007. Ch. 3. pg. 69. parity. 2 ) Antennas are people-oriented. The psychologist is really direct and analytical. He seems to desire to take any feelings or humanity from Annie’s instance while the societal worker is taking a more subjective. humane attack to Annie’s jobs and is evidently more concerned with the girl’s wellbeing than a speedy hole. The diverseness that exists in this group is both gender and category. The group consist of two adult females and one older adult male. the older adult male. the head-shrinker. seems to believe that the societal worker and school nurse are non in the same category as he. his age. experience and profession doing him superior to them on all degrees. hence. their sentiments are non deserving sing. This diverseness is a hinderance in their communicating because the psychologist is non listening to the two adult females and continues to disrupt them because â€Å"he doesn’t have much clip here. † If utilizing a high context perspective the spectator could pull the decision that the psychologist does non hold with the societal worker by watching his gestural behaviour such as his gestures and facial looks. In a high-context civilization small significance is expressed through words. Meaning can be conveyed through position such as age. gender. instruction or rubric. ( Reeve. 2007 ) One method that could hold been used to better communications would hold been to hold a facilitator nowadays to guarantee that each party had the same sum of clip to show his or her sentiments. Another betterment would hold been a alteration of puting from the informal scene to a more professional seating agreement that may hold helped foster communicating between all parties present. such as a unit of ammunition tabular array or face to confront seating. The 2nd picture reviewed is: Planing the Playground. The group consists of three males and two females ; three Caucasians and two minorities. The picture instance opens with two new members. one a younger male. Ray and one older adult female. Betty. run intoing the squad for the first clip. There seems to be two somewhat awkward minutes when Ray foremost merely offers to agitate the custodies of the work forces at the tabular array and when he has problem articulating the name of the minority female Iesha. The minute was defused rapidly when Iesha decided to do a little gag about her name to ease the tenseness and held out her ain manus in salutation. Betty seemed unsure about speech production and said she merely joined the squad to do friends. Communicationss between the squad started out stiff and decelerate but by utilizing â€Å"team talk. † ( the nature of the linguistic communication that group members use as they work together. Not merely does squad speak enable group members to portion information and express sentiments. but analysis of squad talk besides â€Å"reveals where the squad is coming from and where the squad is headed. ) ( Reeve. 2007. Ch. 5 pg. 124. Para. 2 ) . squad leader David kept the treatment fluxing and moved it to the ground they were at that place. The function the diverseness of the group played in their communicating was the different experiences each had to convey to the treatment. Iesha evidently liked research and set Numberss and offered non merely a sound dollar sum to endeavor for but concluding behind it. Ray countered that he thinks the sum should be higher but offered no existent ground as did Phil who wanted the sum lower. After make up ones minding to compromise they moved to fund-raising. The immediate response to Betty’s suggestion of holding a Bake sale was obvious. They did non take her input earnestly at all but once more the squad leader chimed in before thei r dismissive attitude could be considered ill-mannered and contemptuous. Diversity was besides non a strong hinderance to the group even though the potency was at that place. Conflict direction techniques were used by the group by showing involvement in work outing the job and maintaining their tone and linguistic communication non-threatening. utilizing phrases like â€Å"well. yes but let’s expression at it from a different angle† or â€Å"that’s a good thought but may non be precisely what we need now. †The usage of squad speak was a really effectual communicating tool that kept the squad focused and on path. Another of import tool that was used was gestural. The seating agreement at the tabular array permitted members to hold their personal infinite but still be able to hold direct oculus contact. Harmonizing to Reeve. each person’s pick of siting place in groups has a direct consequence on interaction and influence. A figure of surveies have demonstrated that group members prefercorner-to-corner or side-by-side seating for concerted activities. Such an agreement allows them to be near adequate to portion stuffs. ( R eeve. 2007. CH. 5 pg. 138. Para 1 ) The squad in this instance survey did demo good communicating accomplishments on the whole but the one betterment would hold been to guarantee that before the meeting took topographic point. that each member understood what the ground for the meeting was. The last picture reviewed is Virtual Communication. This picture is a presentation of three people run intoing as a squad via conference call. The 3rd unobserved member is non listening to what is being said by the director or his coworker. This is obvious because when they ask him a inquiry he pauses or stammers. so repeats something that neither of the other participants really said. Listening is of import in any group so that you can be certain to acquire all the available information every bit good as know precisely what is expected of you. This is even more so in the practical concern work when squad members are non really sitting face to face. Charlie is neither listening to what is being said or to the messages that were contained in Ellen’s electronic mail or voice mails to him. Harmonizing to the text. Effective hearing in practical groups requires accommodating to a different medium of look Your lone version is doing certain that your mike is on or off at appropriate times. In an email treatment. nevertheless. you can neither see nor hear participants. but you still must â€Å"listen† to their messages. ( Reeve. 2007. Ch. 6. Pg. . 168 ) The disadvantage of group meetings utilizing a practical medium is that you can forge hearing by replying â€Å"I agree† or a non-committal sound. You can besides feign you didn’t hear something that you don’t want to turn to as Ellen does in this picture when Charlie tries to put the incrimination on her. Charlie did non efficaciously use any of his listening accomplishments while on this call. It was evident by his distrait â€Å"non-answers† that he was non listening. The full mistake is non needfully Charlie’s ; it is non known if he of all time to the full understood what was expected of him from the first meeting. If he had at any clip used one listening accomplishment such as rephrasing he might hold had adequate elucidation to acquire his assignment done in clip. Paraphrasing is a signifier of feedback that one lets the talker know you are listening and gives them the chance to clear up their statement. Paraphrasing can be used for multiple intents such as: To guarantee comprehension before rating ; to reassure others that you want to understand them ; to unclutter up confusion and ask for elucidation ; and to assist other’s make their ain decisions. ( Reeve. 2007 ) Mentions Engleberg. I. Wynn. D. 2007. Working in Groups: Communication Principles and Strategies ( 4th ed. ) Allyn A ; Bacon Publishers. The Collaboration Tool Box. 2002-2003. MIT. Online resource. Retreived on-line January 12. 2009 from hypertext transfer protocol: //web. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. e

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mother and Ella Essays

Mother and Ella Essays Mother and Ella Essays Not a Day â€Å"Mommy and daddy, I love you. I don’t think I can last more than a day without you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Stars lit the night sky like glistening diamonds woven onto a cloak of black. The shrill cries of ravens dissolved in the distance as the northern wind softly hushed and then withdrew. The small town of Hindenburg was silent and not a breath escaped the petite dwellings. The scent of medicine filled a petite hospital’s ward, as a blood pressure monitor slowly fluctuated. â€Å"The eye transplant is complete and her vitals are stable. She may be able to go home by the end of the week if her current conditions do not change,† the nurse reassured as she covered young Ella in freshly laundered blankets. â€Å"Those eyes, they remind me so much of†¦Ã¢â‚¬  her grandmother began. She cupped Ella’s small hands into her own, and a warm tear slid down her aging face. The excruciating death of Ella’s parents left her sightless and torn. Her family had been on an expedition to Africa’s largest safari. As an enfant, she loved jungles for the surprises that lied beyond the strangled vines. She loved how the animals cared for one another in the wild and how each one of them died in bliss. Then there was the moment that changed Ella’s life forever. It haunted her thoughts in flashbacks and it was always the same. Acute rays of a headlight coming closer, a terrifying moment of freefall, and then the shrill cry of her mother who fell upon the lifeless body of her father. It lasted for only a second, but it changed her life forever. The young girl’s silver grey eyes resembling clear pools of agony slowly hid behind her heavy eye-lids. Beneath the glassy windows of the ward were miniature figures of sheep that were carefully inked. One, two, three, four, five†¦ one after the other they appeared. Her marble hands gripped the ends of her sheets and she waited for it to happen. And then it did. - She was swinging from branch to branch wearing torn leopard skin and garlands of fresh wildflowers. Colourful toucans crossed the skies and fluttered to create a whirlwind of exotic shades. Below, a stampede of large-footed rhinos shook the vines that held the land together. Chimpanzees shook glances and welcomed Ella openheartedly with their outstretched, hairy arms. In sheer elation, they skipped deeper into the wild like Tarzan’s children. Ella’s smile broadened; she was where she loved to be. It was a miraculous sight. The damp air was suddenly replaced with a cool mist, and Ella heard a thunder echo just miles away. It was monstrous and real. The canopies of the trees immediately gave way and huddled together. They were responding to her fear as if they could sense her agony. Then there was a flash, and everything was dark. Pitch black with not a single ray of light

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Black swan movie review

Black Swan Review In the movie Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronosk, the storyline is about a timid ballet dancer in her progress in a demanding environment of professional ballet. Throughout the film, Nina (the main character) shows countless ways of sacrificing ones self for the positive progression of her performance. There are various times where Nina gets in touch with herself in a way to become a more efficient ballet dancer, and performer. Ninas ballet director has a huge impact on her, influencing her ways. He mentions how she needs to get in touch with her bad side, considering Ninas personality is much like a the white swan being timid, innocent, and pure. There are multiple references connected to trauma based mind control which links to this different alternative person in Ninas mind. In a way Nina is the white swan, while in the play she also plays the black swan being the bad side as well. Ninas develops both sides of the white and black swan personality traits. Ninas sense of reality and fictions beings to become foggy. Losing herself in a sense of insanity in her own mind. Ninas mother is also another link to Ninas personality. I believe the overbearingness of her mother plays a major role in Ninas life. I felt like the director meant to give the audience a sense that Ninas hostile environment is also another factor. Ninas mother was an ex ballet dancer, and only wants Nina to be successful. She inflicts her dreams on her daughter. I feel there was nothing really positive that Nina gained through her road to success of being a ballet star as black swan. Ninas life is consumed with nothing but ballet and quickly develops an unhealthy bsession with the role. Basically I got impression that Nina was a Schizophrenic. She was hallucinating, and seeing things in herself, people, and everything around her. She seemed to be paranoid about everything, and she barely had any trust in not only herself, her peers, and her mother especially. She had an enormous pressure to be perfect, but that only led her to put herself through some extreme limits. She continued to question her own identity, and her sexuality which is all real life issues which can cause mental issues with some people.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Memo - Assignment Example Though both clearly have reasonable motives, they are not the people we are looking for who would be fit for the job, looking at it in a long-term point of view. I understand that the company would be exerting effort in looking for someone equipped for the position and the training they would have to be exposed to, to get a clear understanding of how our company operates. However, I see bigger risks and costs for the company to absorb employees that are not willing to adapt to the demands of the company, whenever the need for it arises since this could mean lowered performance, weakening of the company’s equity, and lost sales/clients. I hope you consider my decision based on the arguments above which is mainly an initiative to safe keep our company’s reputation and identity. McGhan, Meredith. "The Cost of Hiring the Wrong Employee | Writing Assistance, Inc.." Writing Assistance, Inc. - Technical, Training, Medical and Marketing Writers. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb. 2013.

Mid-Term Reflection on Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Mid-Term Reflection on Anthropology - Essay Example The Maya has had advanced in mathematics and astronomy. The story says that God created people from maize after several attempts. The idea of a God who creates people from maize is reasonable for the people of South America because they depended on maize. Maize cultivation provided them with enough calories to settle in cities and invest time in pursuit of mathematics and other intellectual pursuits (Morgan 23). The story is almost similar to biblical story because the Heart of the sky creates from nothing. Other than Heart of the sky, another deity of the Mayas was the feathered serpent. This god was part of pantheon of deity believed to have created the cosmos from scratch. This deity is equivalent to Greek gods. In ancient American religions, shamans were people who could achieve altered consciousness and communicate with the spirit world. They played the role of leading in religious rituals and in practicing divination. Based on the story about Mayas, tribal people, their creation, the gods, and the role of shamans in society, it is clear that humanity and civilization goes through the same steps. The first step towards civilization is settlement. Without settled living, it is hard for people to live a civilized life. In South America, the discovery of maize changed the course of the history of Mayas. Maize allowed the Mayas to lead a settled life. Even today, millions of people rely on maize to provide their daily calorie requirement. Maize is a highly productive grain and a single cob produce considerable calories. Once the people have enough to eat through farming, they start engaging in intellectual activities. This explains why the Mayas had made huge advances in mathematics and astronomy. Presence of enough food allowed them the luxury of pursuing these intellectual activities. Another aspect of intellectual pursuit is religious. Tribal people

Interface Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interface Design - Essay Example However, a lot of user interfaces are weakly designed. In this scenario, a lot of people are not capable to utilize system user interfaces efficiently for the reason of meager interface design. In addition, high-quality user interface design is significant for minimizing faults, expenses, extra guidance, workers earnings and boosting user working and operational contentment, efficiency as well as valuable services and supreme products (The Pennsylvania State University, 2010) and (Myers, 1998). Moreover, the user interface design is frequently linked with software interfaces as well as is commonly referred as HCI (Human-Computer Interface) factor. Though, user interface design has to be recognized anywhere users collaborate with displays or user controls. Additionally, the implementation of user-interface-design is persistent, comprising products like that a plain timepiece, an airplane arena, a DVD player, a software application and so on. In a lot of scenarios, a product with high- quality functionality is not willingly approved for the reason that it is not simple or resourceful to utilize. In addition, a product's front-end user-interface design as well influences the approval, working efficiency and promotion of a certain product. In other words, excellent quality user interface designs augment the competence, intuitiveness and ease level of a product, which transforms into product approval and utilization. Thus, for a product to be flourishing, it requires many features such as high-quality working, practical capabilities, technology and a functional and insightful user interface (UI) (Interface Analysis Associates, 2011) and (Gray & Higgins, 2006). This report presents a detailed analysis of some of the main aspects and factors that are important to interface design. In this scenario this research will assess and investigate important issues regarding development of the high quality user interface. Rules for High-Quality Interface Design This section disc usses some of the important rules for the high quality user interface design. In fact, effective user interface design is completely about acquiring the user’s viewpoint, as well as allowing things take place in the sequence that the client would imagine. In this scenario, the back end is normally programmed to gather or draw data in ASP, JSP, PHP, Filemaker, Lasso, etc. Additionally, the user’s screens are normally made gleaming on images as well as have to be cross browser and other platform amenable. Moreover, the page sizes are below 30kb, by making use of CSS to reduce code bloating. However, effectively shaped code is particularly significant here, because of the additional load time meager shaped code generates (FrontEndTech, 2009). Furthermore, in designing the user interface there is an awful need to ensure that the tester adjusts the report of the websites’ viewers. In this scenario, a usual function may be to discover this information in the website, and then look at how they try to fulfill a requirement in the website. In addition, video recording is a necessary element of high-quality testing, to be capable to precisely revert to the test data (FrontEndTech, 2009). Important Factors for Interface Design This section discusses some important factors that we consider to be important to int

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Trafficking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Human Trafficking - Research Paper Example This research paper will explore the issue of human trafficking, look at its causes, effects, how it can be prevented and analyze its magnitude in a few sample drawing countries. Despite the fact that human trafficking is one of the main issues facing the world currently, there is no reliable data that can be used to estimate the number of persons trafficked annually. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime, a body that is responsible for monitoring trafficking for the United Nations, explains that estimating the exact size of the human trafficking is a difficult task because the act is committed underground, and it often go misidentified or not identified at all.2 In addition, victims of human trafficking are often afraid to report cases of abduction to the authority because of the regular stern threats they get from the traffickers. However, various controversial research studies estimate that at least 600,000 to 800,000 young children and women are trafficked per year across the world. These are scary figures, especially considering the fact that the figures do not account for the number of persons trafficked within their own countries. Majority of the human trafficking victims are duped into the vice by the false promises made regarding to job opportunities.3 This is very common especially in the developing countries or the so-called third world countries, where the level of poverty is extremely high. Sources indicate that a significant number of women who are trafficked from these countries are lured into this trade using false marriage as the bait. In the developed countries such as USA, most of the human trafficking cases are related to sexual purposes. According to a study that was conducted on this topic in the country, more than 40% of all the human trafficking investigations in the USA are related to sexual trafficking of a child and roughly 80% of such cases involve United States citizens.

The Social Responsibility of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Social Responsibility of Business - Essay Example The objective of any corporation is to legally maximize the returns on investment so that its shareholders primarily can benefit. He maintains that the responsibility of a corporate executive who is employed by the owners of the business is to run the business profitably in accordance with the law. However, he might have other responsibilities as well, such as the responsibility to devote a part of his income to charity, or to have a good behaviour towards his family, or people, in general. These responsibilities, however, are not of the business but the corporate executive's responsibilities. Conclusion In a nutshell, it can be stated that even though a business is an artificial personality and can be claimed to have no social obligations, it should be operated in such as a way so as to protect the interests of its stakeholders, as they have contributed resources in the business and are also directly affected by the decisions taken with regard to business matters. All business decisions should be taken without the intention or plan to inflict harm on any member of the society. The environment or the ecological concerns should be paid extra attention to and activities of the business should not lead to the exploitation of any stakeholder. It is natural that a business is run to maximize its profits or to get the highest return for its investment but this behavior should not be pursued at the expense of the interests of the society and the community as a whole as it may even prove to be unprofitable for the business in the later years. Any social obligation should not be discarded with the view that it is for the government to take up the welfare of society and... It can be stated that even though a business is an artificial personality and can be claimed to have no social obligations, it should be operated in such as a way so as to protect the interests of its stakeholders, as they have contributed resources in the business and are also directly affected by the decisions taken with regard to business matters. All business decisions should be taken without the intention or plan to inflict harm on any member of the society. The environment or the ecological concerns should be paid extra attention to. It is natural that a business is run to maximize its profits or to get the highest return for its investment, but this behavior should not be pursued at the expense of the interests of the society and the community as a whole as it may even prove to be unprofitable for the business in the later years. Any social obligation should not be discarded with the view that it is for the government to take up the welfare of society and environment. Behaving and operating in an environment friendly way will only ensure a business’s longevity, increased customer appreciation and a particular social aim will so be achieved. The companies should exercise their power in such a way so that none of the stakeholders come to harm and the objectives of the business is also achieved. It is concluded that the companies are responsible for behaving uprightly so that junior managers or lower-level workers are influenced and motivated to do the same and the moral values of an organization is upheld.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Interface Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interface Design - Essay Example However, a lot of user interfaces are weakly designed. In this scenario, a lot of people are not capable to utilize system user interfaces efficiently for the reason of meager interface design. In addition, high-quality user interface design is significant for minimizing faults, expenses, extra guidance, workers earnings and boosting user working and operational contentment, efficiency as well as valuable services and supreme products (The Pennsylvania State University, 2010) and (Myers, 1998). Moreover, the user interface design is frequently linked with software interfaces as well as is commonly referred as HCI (Human-Computer Interface) factor. Though, user interface design has to be recognized anywhere users collaborate with displays or user controls. Additionally, the implementation of user-interface-design is persistent, comprising products like that a plain timepiece, an airplane arena, a DVD player, a software application and so on. In a lot of scenarios, a product with high- quality functionality is not willingly approved for the reason that it is not simple or resourceful to utilize. In addition, a product's front-end user-interface design as well influences the approval, working efficiency and promotion of a certain product. In other words, excellent quality user interface designs augment the competence, intuitiveness and ease level of a product, which transforms into product approval and utilization. Thus, for a product to be flourishing, it requires many features such as high-quality working, practical capabilities, technology and a functional and insightful user interface (UI) (Interface Analysis Associates, 2011) and (Gray & Higgins, 2006). This report presents a detailed analysis of some of the main aspects and factors that are important to interface design. In this scenario this research will assess and investigate important issues regarding development of the high quality user interface. Rules for High-Quality Interface Design This section disc usses some of the important rules for the high quality user interface design. In fact, effective user interface design is completely about acquiring the user’s viewpoint, as well as allowing things take place in the sequence that the client would imagine. In this scenario, the back end is normally programmed to gather or draw data in ASP, JSP, PHP, Filemaker, Lasso, etc. Additionally, the user’s screens are normally made gleaming on images as well as have to be cross browser and other platform amenable. Moreover, the page sizes are below 30kb, by making use of CSS to reduce code bloating. However, effectively shaped code is particularly significant here, because of the additional load time meager shaped code generates (FrontEndTech, 2009). Furthermore, in designing the user interface there is an awful need to ensure that the tester adjusts the report of the websites’ viewers. In this scenario, a usual function may be to discover this information in the website, and then look at how they try to fulfill a requirement in the website. In addition, video recording is a necessary element of high-quality testing, to be capable to precisely revert to the test data (FrontEndTech, 2009). Important Factors for Interface Design This section discusses some important factors that we consider to be important to int

The Social Responsibility of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Social Responsibility of Business - Essay Example The objective of any corporation is to legally maximize the returns on investment so that its shareholders primarily can benefit. He maintains that the responsibility of a corporate executive who is employed by the owners of the business is to run the business profitably in accordance with the law. However, he might have other responsibilities as well, such as the responsibility to devote a part of his income to charity, or to have a good behaviour towards his family, or people, in general. These responsibilities, however, are not of the business but the corporate executive's responsibilities. Conclusion In a nutshell, it can be stated that even though a business is an artificial personality and can be claimed to have no social obligations, it should be operated in such as a way so as to protect the interests of its stakeholders, as they have contributed resources in the business and are also directly affected by the decisions taken with regard to business matters. All business decisions should be taken without the intention or plan to inflict harm on any member of the society. The environment or the ecological concerns should be paid extra attention to and activities of the business should not lead to the exploitation of any stakeholder. It is natural that a business is run to maximize its profits or to get the highest return for its investment but this behavior should not be pursued at the expense of the interests of the society and the community as a whole as it may even prove to be unprofitable for the business in the later years. Any social obligation should not be discarded with the view that it is for the government to take up the welfare of society and... It can be stated that even though a business is an artificial personality and can be claimed to have no social obligations, it should be operated in such as a way so as to protect the interests of its stakeholders, as they have contributed resources in the business and are also directly affected by the decisions taken with regard to business matters. All business decisions should be taken without the intention or plan to inflict harm on any member of the society. The environment or the ecological concerns should be paid extra attention to. It is natural that a business is run to maximize its profits or to get the highest return for its investment, but this behavior should not be pursued at the expense of the interests of the society and the community as a whole as it may even prove to be unprofitable for the business in the later years. Any social obligation should not be discarded with the view that it is for the government to take up the welfare of society and environment. Behaving and operating in an environment friendly way will only ensure a business’s longevity, increased customer appreciation and a particular social aim will so be achieved. The companies should exercise their power in such a way so that none of the stakeholders come to harm and the objectives of the business is also achieved. It is concluded that the companies are responsible for behaving uprightly so that junior managers or lower-level workers are influenced and motivated to do the same and the moral values of an organization is upheld.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cognitive Coaching Essay Example for Free

Cognitive Coaching Essay The Effects of Cognitive Coaching on Education and in Supporting Teacher Leadership â€Å"Creating a profession of teaching in which teachers have the opportunity for continual learning is the likeliest way to inspire greater achievement for children, especially those for whom education is the only pathway to survival and success† (Sumner, 2011, p. 10). Educators today are required to have a different set of skills to effectively prepare students to be global competitors in the workplace. Educators cannot make these alterations in teaching methodology and instructional delivery without support. Coaches support and encourage teachers, improve teacher strategies, promote teacher reflection, and focus on desired outcomes (Sumner, 2011). A key ingredient for improving student achievement is high quality leadership. Although leadership skills may come naturally for some, most educators need some form of practice and coaching to become high quality leaders (Patti Holzer, 2012). What is Cognitive Coaching? Cognitive coaching is a relationship that is learner-centered, where the person being coached is an active participant in their learning process. The coach is responsible for creating an environment that is sensitive to the participant’s needs, providing ample opportunity for self-reflection which enables the participant to learn from their own unique experiences. Garmston (1993) stated: Cognitive Coaching is a process during which teachers explore the thinking behind their practices. Each person seems to maintain a cognitive map, only partially conscious. In Cognitive Coaching, questions asked by the coach reveal to the teacher areas of that map that may not be complete or consciously developed. When teachers talk out loud about their thinking, their decisions become clearer to them, and their awareness increases (p. 57). The relationship that evolves through cognitive coaching is based on a journey of self-discovery for both the coach and the coached individual. The coach is equally responsible for reflecting and learning from their own experiences in an effort to providing the best guidance to the coached individual throughout their coaching relationship. If mentors are to facilitate learning of their mentees, they can best begin by being in touch with the forces in their own lives (Zachary, 2000). The learning that takes place in stages is the focal point of cognitive coaching. Cognitive coaching uses a three-phase cycle: pre-conference, observation, and post-conference. These cycles are used for the sole purpose of helping the teacher improve instructional effectiveness by becoming more reflective about teaching (Garmston, 1993). Cognitive Coaching asserts that instructional behavior is a reflection of beliefs; teachers must analyze and change their beliefs in order to change their behaviors. Coaches ask teachers to reflect on their beliefs about the classroom to facilitate making changes or improvements (Patti Holzer, 2012). Cognitive Coaching in Education The most valuable asset in the education profession is its human capital – teachers and administrators. Unfortunately, these professionals are typically given limited opportunities throughout their career to enhance their knowledge and skills enabling them to be more effective teachers and leaders. Newly hired recruits into the profession usually receive coaching for a few months during their first year of employment, but the majority will gain experience through their own trial and error. According to Patti Holzer (2012): Professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators who function in a leadership capacity are often too scarce or narrow in focus to cultivate lasting and effective improvement. Most school systems regularly provide teacher educators with just two or three days per year of professional development, typically aimed at improving literacy and mathematics scores. Effective professional development happens when the adult learner connects personally to the new learning. When educators participate in reflective practices that cultivate self-awareness, emotion management, social awareness, and relationship management, they are in a better position to deliver high quality instruction and leadership (p. 264). The education profession can benefit from implementing cognitive coaching as a way of helping teachers and administrators expand their professional development through self-observation, self-reflection, and self-feedback. An analysis of the findings from these factors will help the professional to become aware of their own self-imposed limitations. In education, coaching has traditionally supported teachers in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities that target student achievement (Patti Holzer, 2012). The effects of cognitive coaching on teacher efficacy has been positively correlated to increased student performance. Sumner (2011) offers: Coaching is a key method for helping teachers improve student achievement and school culture. Much of this potential school improvement comes from educating teachers in how to be reflective about their practice and in learning how to establish an equal relationship based on mutual desire to improve. Perhaps most importantly, ―a culture of coaching improves teaching and improves student learning (p.47). While the ultimate goal of cognitive coaching is to help foster change in the thinking patterns and behaviors of the coached individual – the end result of this endeavor is improved student performance. Professional development can only work if it is focused on both student and teacher learning and a culture of support for and valuing of quality staff development is present (Sumner, 2011). Cognitive Coaching Supporting Teacher Leadership Cognitive coaching allows teachers to take ownership of their professional development by encouraging them to be accountable of their cognitive learning process. The self-reflection that is involved in cognitive coaching coupled with professional vision enables teachers to become a catalyst of change both in the classroom and beyond. Patti Holzer (2012) stated: The coaching relationship provides a safe haven for mindful attention to self-change in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. It is through this individual process that the teacher and administrative leader positively impact the culture and climate of the classroom and school (p. 270). Every teacher has the capabilities to improve their knowledge and skill and cognitive coaching affords the opportunity of exploration into one’s self, challenging old beliefs and habits, emerging a better, stronger leader. Leadership is not mobilizing others to solve problems we already know how to solve, but to help them confront problems that have never yet been successfully addressed (Fullan, 2007). The reflection learned through cognitive coaching helps develop problem-solving skills as teachers examine their experience, generate alternatives, and evaluate actions. Educators need to model risk taking, open-mindedness, and continuous learning to create schools that are communities of learners (Garmston, 1993). Conclusion â€Å"Effective leaders work on their own and others’ emotional development. There is no greater skill needed for sustainable improvement† (Fullan, 2007). Cognitive coaching enables educators to develop unexplored potential, while expanding their repertoire of teaching methodologies. The implementation of cognitive coaching increases student achievement and teacher efficacy, produce higher order teacher thinking, and provides teacher support (Sumner, 2011). Great schools grow when educators understand that the power of their leadership lies in the strength of their relationships. Strong leadership in schools results from the participation of many people, each leading in his or her own way (Donaldson, 2007). Cognitive coaching is the key to educators’ unlocking their inner power to profoundly impact students’ learning.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Malcolm X Effect: African American Consciousness

Malcolm X Effect: African American Consciousness Change has come to America, were the famous words spoken by Barak Obama, the first African American President. No one in the 1960s would have ever thought that an African American president would be in office nor that an African American would be the highest earning woman in America. Many people tend to credit Martin Luther King (MLK) for such change, however their credit should go to Malcolm X. Malcolm X was an African American leader, orator and is now a cultural icon. During the time when Malcolm was alive, he had a lot of opposition. Mainly all sectors of white society opposed him, even some African Americans, as they felt that he was too radical, and differed to the peaceful measures of MLK. However, more recent historiography of Malcolm X is shifted towards a more biased and positive conception. This could be because it is African Americans who write the majority of the historiography of Malcolm X. Thus, suggesting that Malcolm X is a more popular topic and key figure to their heritage or it could be that White Historians do not want to admit past failures regarding race. This positive conception of Malcolm X is mirrored through the African American populists  [3]  . Magnus O. Basseys, Malcolm X and African American Self-Consciousness argues that Malcolm exposed the terrible psychological consequences of black self-hate and transformed African American self-consciousness by liberating African Americans and by challenging the oppressors longstanding claim of racial superiority  [4]  . The Majority of Revisionist Scholars including James Cone  [5]  support Basseys argument. Although Bruce Perrys  [6]  The life of a Man who changed Black America  [7]  gives a more critical account of Malcolm, by suggesting him to be a psycho historical basket case. This differs to the traditional anti-Malcolm bias, which normally depicts him as a violent man. This essay will examine how Malcolm X articulated the African American consciousness and the ways in which he affected them then and now. Whether a Violent man or psycho basket case, Malcolm certainly impacted the African American consciousness by imprinting it with not only their history, but also their dignity and a sense of new pride. To understand how Malcolm X changed the consciousness of Americans, one needs to understand Malcolm Little. His childhood, including his fathers lessons concerning black pride and self-reliance and his own experiences concerning race, played a significant role in Malcolms adult life  [8]  . Throughout Malcolms life, violence was a major theme. His mother was mixed raced, as a white man raped his grandmother and by the time he was thirteen, his house had been burnt down by the Klu Klux Klan, his father murdered  [9]  , and his mother was in a mental institution. Malcolm was separated from his brothers and sisters and sent to a series of foster homes. He went to numerous schools where he was the only African American in the class. Malcolm was brought up to be prepared to be something that was more suited for an African American  [10]  . He left school early and became involved with hustling and criminal activities. At this time in his life, Malcolm Little, too like other Af rican Americans tried to whiten himself. Malcolm painfully chemically straitened his hair and dated white women. His unlawful ways in New York and Boston ultimately landed him in prison in 1946 for robbery. Whilst in prison, Malcolm became a member of the Nation of Islam. From inside the prison Malcolm wrote letters to Elijah Muhammad, who was the leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI)  [11]  . Through this, Malcolm created his ideology of the white man is the devil. Once he left prison, in 1952, he became one of the Nations leaders and chief spokesmen. Looking back on his life, its clear to see there were many differing Malcolms: Victim, player, prisoner, hater, and anti-racist. As a result, Malcolm X is one of the most misunderstood leaders in history  [12]  . Like many other leaders, there is a turning point that opens the political and social space for a leader to come up through. Malcolms turning point was the Hinton Johnson incident  [13]  in1957. Malcolm proved throu gh this event his power to both white and black Americans. As one white policeman asserted, that is too much power for one man to have. However as Benjamin Goodman asserted, But it was that same power and presence which so impressed and frightened the police that also attracted me and thousands of other so called Negroes to Malcolm  [14]  . Malcolm created white fear and to black Americans, a leader to believe in. This one incident would change the lives of African Americans forever. Louis Lomaxs documentary titled The Hate that Hate Produced, broadcasted in 1959 that forced Malcolm to fame outside his religious circle. Representatives of the print media, radio, and television frequently asked him for comments on racial issues. This newfound status of a celebrity helped Malcolm to use his oration skills and put him into the public sphere for all African Americans to see. Thus Malcolm became the public face of the Nation of Islam for nearly twelve years and travelled across America to articulate African Americans. As Clasby asserts, thats is where his career sparked from. Malcolm attacked Christianity because he argued that religion had brainwashed Black People to accept their subordination to the dominant society. Malcolm claimed that Islam is the natural religion for African Americans  [15]  . However, it seems that in the beginning of Malcolms religious movement, he was trying to find himself and who he was while preaching his ideology of African Americans. Consequently, it was then a political rather then religious journey, as Malcolm preached about black equality and Black Nationalism. Although he did create a religious organization  [16]  . Malcolm left the NOI in March 1964, because he found out Elijah Muhammad had been deceiving him and Nation of Islam  [17]  . He then made a pilgrimage to Mecca. He spent much of the last year of his life in Africa, and the Middle East observing and practising being a Muslim. He met with political leaders and addressed many audiences. Malcolms main political platform was black equality and black supremacy. Many Historians  [18]  suggest that, for many, Malcolm serves as the fountainhead of modern Black Nationalism  [19]  , as he belonged to the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements. By avoiding white connections, Malcolm was able to articulate the support base mainly in the ghettos, preaching that African Americans should develop their own society. This included supporting community-based enterprises. Malcolm wanted to reject cooperating with European Americans until African Americans could achieve cooperation amongst themselves. Thus Malcolm has been called a black revolutionary. Although, upon his return from Mecca in 1964, Malcolm X abandoned his stance to racial separatism, as he demonstrated by agreeing to cooperate with integrationist civil rights groups. However, he was still in favour of Black Nationalism and advocated that black people in the U.S. be self-reliant  [20]  . Malcolm star ted to realize that he needed to accept and work with other races to get results. As Malcolm stated, In my recent travels into African countries and others, I was impressed by the importance of having a working unity among all peoples, black as well as white  [21]  . In 1964, Malcolm organized the Organization of Afro-American Unity, which was oriented toward freedom and liberation for black people and other repressed groups. However this new political philosophy was not welcomed very warmly by his supporters, and ultimately lead to his assassination on February 21 1965. To this day, his more radical viewpoints impacted African American Consciousness. Davis and Davenport agree, arguing that, exposure to Malcolm may alter feelings of political efficacy, political trust, interest in politics, and racial consciousness  [22]  . Malcolm felt that African Americans should not support the government because supporting the government meant you supported the white supremacy and those that repressed African Americans. Instead, Malcolm proposed Black economic leadership. For instance, black intelligence, black authority, and superiority. In other words, he ultimately understood capitalism to be as great an impediment to African American liberation as racism. As Rabaka argues, Malcolm X knew that it was not necessary for him to define himself as a communist, socialist, or Marxist  [23]  . Therefore, Harper carries much weight when he asserts, It should also be mentioned that the philosophy of Malcolm X was changing until his death  [24]  . This is supported by Rabakas argument asserting that, Malcolm Xs social and political thought, although consistently undergoing a radical process of change and development, as James Cone contended, provides us with a paradigm of the possibilities of an engaged African-cen tered radical politics and social theory a critical theory. Malcolm argued that he spoke the truth, and criticized Martin Luther King for his optimism of Civil Rights. He wanted change in attitudes whereas MLK wanted legislative change. Malcolm did not believe in the white man having any sympathy nor support, therefore he was the alternative side to MLK in the civil rights campaign. Malcolm did not support Martin Luther Kingss peaceful marches as he felt that it was a failure of Negro leadership and that it would never change white consciousness. Malcolm constantly ridiculed leader MLK  [25]  , as he declared that nonviolence was the philosophy of the fool. In response to Martin Luther Kings famous I Have a Dream speech, Malcolm retorted, While King was having a dream, the rest of us Negroes are having a nightmare.  [26]   Malcolm X believed in equality and that African Americans should have their right to defend themselves by any means necessary, if the constitution wouldnt protect them. It doesnt mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time, I am not against using violence in self-defence. I dont call it violence when its self-defence, I call it intelligence.  [27]   As Clasby noted, Resistance needs violence, violence breeds further resistance, and when the tensions within have reached a certain level, some men like Malcolm X, come to prefer victory to survival  [28]  . Thus Malcolms policy on violence gave him aggressive status in the movement, and would later influence the Black Panther Party. Malcolm was in favour of the civil rights movement as he felt it was not just a domestic issue. As Bassey contends, The philosophy was shaped by Noble Drew Alis Moorish-American Science Temple Movement, the Nation of Islam, and Malcolms critical reflection of the events in the World  [29]  . It is important to note what Perry argues that, Malcolm X fathered no legislation. He engineered no stunning Supreme Court victories or political campaigns. He scored no major electoral triumphs. Yet, because of the way in which he articulated his followers grievances and anger, the impact he had upon the body of politics was enormous. He mobilized black Americas dormant rage and put it to work politically  [30]  . Malcolm represented the deep-rooted racial feelings, and said what those were thinking but were too frighten to say. He was initially their voice. He felt their thoughts, their feelings. It is because of him that most African Americans see themselves with such pride today. No longer did they feel alone; they knew they had each other and that they were a collective  [31]  . As Rabaka asserts, he stressed to them that they could make heaven right here on this earth. Herein, perhaps, lies Malcolm Xs greatest contribution to Africana critical thought: his radical commitment to continually recommit himself to end domination and discrimination and bring into being human liberation by any means necessary!  [32]  . Malcolm created fear, and reversed the fear on to the White Supremacists. As Harper asserts, more than any other person Malcolm X was responsible for the new militancy that entered the movement in 1965  [33]  . Malcolm ultimately felt that it was the white man who had emasculated the blacks self-esteem, and took away their individuality. Although Malcolm was able to use this as a liberation tool. Rabaka agrees, arguing that to develop an effective Afro-American liberation movement, Malcolm X argued that African Americans needed to rethink their entire experience in the United States  [34]  . Therefore, they must look back to their heritage in Africa. As Bassey put it, his strategy was to urge black people to make a romantic identification with Africa. The African American consciousness that Malcolm articulated focused on the individuals relationship to the community and the their responsibility to that community, to respect and to defend its members.  [35]  Malcolm X embodied the African Americans through his words, through his preaching and speeches  [36]  . Education was a vital component to the articulation of African Americans. As Malcolm stated, Without education, youre not going anywhere in this world  [37]  . Malcolm wanted to educate African Americans about their history. For Malcolm, an understanding of the historical achievements of black people, as well as the origins and evolution of their oppression in recent centuries, was an essential weapon in the hands of those struggling for their liberation  [38]  . Goodman furthers this argument and suggests that what Malcolm told African Americans was a simple, profound truth; one that blacks needed (and still need) to hear. And no one said it as effectively as Malcolm X  [39]  . Malcolm made African Americans know about their heritage. Cone agrees, and argues that African-Americans who are proud to be black should thank Malcolm for creating the cultural space that lets us claim our African heritage  [40]  . In an Interview discussing his surname, Malcolm explained that during slavery, the Surname denotes that a slave was this persons property. Therfore arguing that he had no idea what his family name was. The only way well get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti Cuba yes Cuba too.  [41]  Thus Malcolm changed his last name to X. Equally, it was the common practice in the NOI Therfore, Malcolm addressed the issue of identity to the extent that black/Negroe Americans should be called/and were African Americans. As Bassey asserted, Malcolm X took up the challenge of African American being, self-consciousness, and self-identity by arguing that blacks in America were African Americans  [42]  . This contrasted to Du Bois double-consciousness theory that described it as an essential part of being a Negro in America. Bassey continues to explain that this double-consciousn ess accepted negative definitions that even impacted how blacks in America viewed their physical selves. This viewpoint can be noticed in our young people today  [43]  as they are proud to be African Americans. Malcolms success in articulating the African American consciousness can be seen today, as many African Americans are proud of whom they are and strive for success. As Clasby stated, Today these people are emerging into history-politically, economically, and, of most importance, spiritually. They represent a new expression of human consciousness  [44]  . Through Malcolms strong belief in the Nation of Islam came this development, which led to the evolution of Malcolms perception of gender roles in our society. The leader has been considered to have more in common with a white man that of an African American women. Dyson agrees, suggesting These slights of black women reflected the demonology of the Nation of Islam, which not only viewed racism as an ill from outside its group, but argued that women were a lethal source of deception and seduction from within  [45]  . Controversially, Perry suggests that Malcolm was not as heterosexual as his Nation of Islam colleagues have always insisted  [46]  . This could therefore suggest why Malcolm saw women in such a negative light. Perry suggests that Malcolms insecurities and ambivalence towards women fit the archetype of a repressed gay man and point to latent homosexuality  [47]  . However, Bassey is more convincing, as she asserts that it was of the Nation of Islam that created these attitudes towards women, not Malcolm. Thus, After Malcolm had broken away from the Nation of Islam, performed the hajj and visited Africa, Malcolm showed even more respect for women  [48]  . Therefore the support of African American Women during the time when Malcolm was alive was not for his view on women itself, but was for his political beliefs. Thus, it was Malcolms ideology that affected their consciousness. It is hardly surprising that African Americans believed in Malcolm Xs ethos on Black Nationalism and equality. His audience would have grown up being discriminated for their colour of the skin. African Americans on a daily basis were exposed to discrimination and violence. During the 1960s, there was a growing dissatisfaction amongst African Americans for equality. When African Americans followed Martin Luther Kings peaceful methods, more violence followed. When Africans Americans tried to protest peacefully, for instance at the Birmingham riots in 1963, they were welcomed by militant policemen. Therefore as their peaceful methods did not work, they turned to Malcolm who provided an answer for a utopian future. It is ironic that originally the media highly opposed Malcolm X when he was alive. It was very easy to dismiss a violent black man, which the media portrayed. Now that he has been dead for 45 years, with the advantage of hindsight, the media now is one of his biggest supporters. For instance, Malcolm X, the 1992 biographical film directed by Spike Lee  [49]  , portrays Malcolm in an extremely positive light. Therefore, this is evidence to support the argument that Malcolm X has not only changed African American Consciousness but also White American Consciousness. With Denzel Washington being nominated for an Academy Award (which is considered as an extremely white conservative Ceremony) for Best Actor for his portrayl of Malcolm X, suggests that times have changed. The knowledge of that the film was critically acclaimed, suggests that people are now more open minded to change and accept the past and can admit doing wrong. Equally, it shows that there is a popular demand for nosta lgia for Malcolm, as their present consciousness is reflected through or sourced from him. Davis and Davenport examined the extent to which the film Malcolm X and its reinforcement in the media influenced political attitudes among African Americans. They found that individuals who saw the film and received reinforcement from a televised documentary became more racially conscious, more concerned about race relations, and more knowledgeable about Malcolm X the man  [50]  . However one can argue that Malcolm has been idealized, and turned into a mythic character. Clasby concurs and noted that, Malcolm was about to go from history to myth  [51]  . The filmic conveyance of Malcolm as a mythical icon is very important as it represents the legacy that African Americans want him to be portrayed as. Persuasively, as Clasby, Painter and Davis and Davenport argued, While each of these retellings invents a new narrative, neither the book nor the film is congruent with the life that Malc olm Little/Malcolm X lived, day by day, between 1925 and 1965  [52]  . Therfore the media is subjective. Thus, attitudinal changes are fundamental re-visions in political and social attitudes created by images in the media  [53]  . Malcolm X not only impacted the African American consciousness but also African consciousness. One key example can be seen in the final scene of Malcolm X, as it takes place in a classroom in Soweto Township in South Africa, with anti-apartheid activist and future South African President Nelson Mandela citing one of Malcolm Xs quotes. As Davis and Davenport asserts, Nelson Mandela, another symbol of race and manhood. The vision-still pan-African-raises hopes for another round of consciousness- rising among black nationalists  [54]  . Equally, with the numerous children of African descent, both in the United States and Africa, declaring, I am Malcolm X, suggests that Malcolms pride of Africa was being echoed. Malcolm gave Africans their confidence to fight, in literal terms, for their rights. Therefore he transformed their ideology for the better. However, it could be argued that his extremist views have had a negative impact in such countries as Zimbabwe, where his influence of v iolence and extreme ideology proves that peace is not possible, and so therefore creating more of a racial divide. Thus, if his voice resonates outside of America he surely must have been an influential man. As a non-black person, I cannot wholly relate to Malcolm X. My ancestors were not slaves, and by that were not deprived their rights in a foreign country. Despite of this, having been born in South Africa during the apartheid era, Malcolm Xs ideology has impacted my conscious. One could argue that he was very manipulative and charismatic, however all the issues he raised were true. All over Africa, civilians were taken from their country, in order to be slaves. They lived in the most unjust manner. This anger throughout the generations of families and centuries of hardship was undoubtedly going to build upà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and the explosion/catalyst was Malcolm X. For instance, Were not Americans, were Africans who happen to be in America. We were kidnapped and brought here against our will from Africa. We didnt land on Plymouth Rock that rock landed on us.  [55]  As Cone asserts, All Americans owe Malcolm a great debt. He was not a racist, as many misguided observers have claimed. He was an uncompromising truth-teller whose love for his people empowered him to respect all human beings. I am for truth, he said, no matter who tells it. I am for justice no matter who is for or against it. I am a human being first and foremost, and as such I am for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.  [56]   Today Malcolm exists within the consciousness of most African Americans, even though some might not even know. Malcolm X was the American prototype of this developing consciousness  [57]  . Although it is mainly the young who see Malcolm as such an icon, as Davis and Davenport noted, it is necessary to examine more carefully what Malcolm X represents to different age groups among African Americans. To younger African Americans, Malcolm X is attractive in part because he was attractive to a younger generation when he was alive. To young African American adults, the rediscovery of Malcolm X represents the articulation of their anger, impatience, and discontent with mainstream culture. Identifying with the violence and hatred associated with Malcolm X becomes an expression of their own defiance and as well as their own toughness. Conversely, to older individuals, Malcolm X is not a rediscovery. For African Americans who experienced the civil rights movement, he represents the violen t and revolutionary antithesis to Martin Luther King and his creed of nonviolence and passivity  [58]  . Although, when compared to MLK, MLK did not give African Americans their identity, heritage and prideà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it was Malcolm. Therefore as Horne convincingly notes, He is an integral part of the scaffolding that supports a contemporary African-American identity. His fascination with music and dance and nightclubs undergirded his bond with blacks. A significant development that is accelerating in Afro-America in the post-war era is cool or hip philosophy. It involves a manner, language, a mode of dress, and more  [59]  . Therefore, today, Malcolm exists within the consciousnesses of African Americans. The New York Post wrote after Malcolms assassination, even his sharpest critics recognized his brilliance-often wild, unpredictable and eccentric, but nevertheless possessing promise that must now remain unrealized.  [60]  This statement could not have been more wrong. With the advantage of hindsight, this essay has demonstrated that it is clear that Malcolm X transformed the consciousness of African Americans and that no area of the African-American community escaped Malcolms influence. Malcolm awaked Black America, and gave them their confidence to do what then was thought of as impossible. Although Malcolms ideology was never persistent, this in turn helped him to appeal to a much larger audience. As Cone asserts, Although dead for nearly 27 years, Malcolms influence in the African-American community is much greater today than during his lifetime  [61]  . Malcolms representation through the media, support his legacy and bring it to the attentions of the young African Ameri cans today and for the future generations of African Americans. Not only did Malcolm X impact African Americans but he also impacted Africans all over the world. Wherever Black people gather to talk about their struggle for justice, the ghost of Malcolms presence is there, reminding them of the strengths and weaknesses of their past and present efforts. The more Black people reflect on the meaning of Malc